Thursday, September 17, 2009

Trip to Kuala Sepetang


I want to eat seafood to Kuala Sepetang. I went with my family for go for lunch. I eat so many seafood. I eat fish, prawn, sotong in porridge. I also eat loh....., oyster and other type of fish. I add the porridge with prawn and sotong. I keep enjoy eating loh too.....

This is loh. It is very chew the most.

After, I go see the market where fishermen sell crab and lah lui har there. On the way , I saw big biawak there. It is green in colour with the long tongue.

I saw this crab. Guess what crab called? I don't know. I feel want to eat crab. It is still alive.

This Lar Lui har. It is alive . It can swimming in the water. It is alive.

My family buy back to cook and eat is crab and lar lui har. We bough three lar lui har.


We steam the crab, and lar lui har too. I eat loh, and lar lui har. Mnay dishes on my eating table.

This is crab with lar lui har also steam. I did't eat this crab. I feel like eating.

I also eat loh too.

This is fresh meat. This is lar lui har that I eat it. It is so delicious.

This is fried Lah lui har. It is very cripy. Yummy.......!!

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