Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fruit Papaya


Papaya fruit help us make our stomach for digestion. It is very cool fruit. After, I eat this papaya. It easy for to go to toilet. It make us healthy. Papayas contain a digestive enzyme which helps to dispose of bodily wastes and helps aid constipation.

Papayas contain a good source of fiber. Eating fiber helps lower cholesterol. Papaya contain potassium. Consuming potassium helps lower high blood pressure. Research is being done on the prevention of developing hypertension ,along with other conditions, when eating papayas.The antioxidants found in papaya(i.e., vitamin c, vitamin e, and beta-caroten) help reduce inflammation.

Papayas help strengthen the immune system and are great for the prevention of a cold or flu due to vitamins and its nutritional value.Papayas can prevent colon cancer by constricting toxins in the colon. It also help to reduce sickness.

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