Sunday, April 17, 2011

Singapore 2011

Holiday To Singapore.......

I am ready to go to Singapore holiday with my family. What time and day we started? We started journey on 15 and 16 April 2011 at 9.30 P.m. We started journey, I called my cousin sister and my aunt in KL. We have to change the bus go to Singapore. It takes us many hours to ago for a journey.

We feel tired and sleep in the bus Until tomorrow morning around 5.50 a.m. in the morning. We feel want to take breakfast but early in the morning, don't have many food to eat for us. We take breakfast and rest and the bus driver to rest there. We eat karipap and bun for breakfast in the Johor Bharu.

On the way to Singapore, We have go for checking castam in and out. There are two time to go to for castam to check our bag and and our passport. We finally reached to Singapore. We are heading to Casino Marina Bay Sand and Casino Sentosa. We go to to Casino Marina Bay Sand.
We cannot take photo in the Casino Marina Bay Sand . We go make member for Casino Marina Bay Sand. I play the gambling game around Singapore 10 dollars to gambling the machine. I win and lose to game. I get 12.70 dollars from the gambling machine. We drink milo and take two mineral water. This Casino Marina Bay Sand on shopping are brand things like Watch is Rolex and brand jewellery. We take many hours in the casino Marina Bay Sand 12.15 p.m.

There are many types of gambling are wheel spin, many to bet in the game, duffer slot game, poker game and mores...gambling game.We watch people play the gambling machine game there. Before we use the gambling game of the machine, I need to use the member chard and money. The top is to put for the member card and the down to slot the money in the gambling machine. I play lose 2 dollars... . Here is not many people play gambling game of the machine. After that we walk around the Casino Marina Bay Sand. We have a fun in the gambling game. We are hundred eat some snacks and biscuit.

We around 11.20 p.m. up the casino Marina Bay Sand upstairs. I want to take photo in the Casino Marina Bay Sand at the top of the building. I see many people walk around and take some photo here and don't have many variety like seeing scenery. We see some souvenirs shop, bread and other mores . It is time up to wait for the bus to go other Casino Sentosa.

I will show the Casino Sentosa. We also do the same here and line up to do the become member. Before become a member, we need ur details and take photo to become member cards and go to same to Casino Marina Bay Sand procedures.

We go and wait other tour guide to settle to get the bill for the voucher. We need to eat our lunch time. We need line up one person by another person to get the voucher. I ask 25 for the voucher. I get 10 dollar voucher to eat and use it all. I eat chicken curry, chicken rice and share rice with my family. We have decide not stay longer in the Casino Sentosa. A Lot things to see in the outside of Casino Sentosa.

We take photo and many people is waiting for the train. we take train to see the Silloso Beach. We take walk around and look see there.

The Ship is far away from the beach side.

The side of the beach is bridge there..... and many people to see to the scenery.

This is the beach look alike. It is very good attraction for tourist. This a website.. COME AND LINK IT.

I am so happy with no regrets going there. I really like to take more photo there. I am happy also I win the game and lose the game of gambling. I will never forget it this.

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