Friday, January 22, 2010

Colour my hair

How it began ? First, I trimming my hair. Then I wash my hair because my hair is too oily. After that, I wash my hair and blow my hair. The barber ask " Do you want to more colour out or less colour to be seen? I have choose my hair even more colour. The barber choose the colour for me.

Before my look,

It is my length hair.Before start colour my hair, I cut and trim my hair. it My actually colour is black.

Start to colour my hair, it take my step to dye my hair. I am anxious. First time, I dye my hair in my life. I can't wait to see it. First , colour my hair to bottom to the top place. I will show the my hair dye colour shown.

I wait around 30 minutes to wait colour turn out. Wow!!! Next time, I continue dye my colour hair. This is my look.

Next, the colour is turn out ........... Now , you see it........!!! It is time to wash my hair again. My hair is blow again because my hair is wet. I like the colour. Finally, I go start my strenghten my hair. My hair colour is done.

At last, I am so happy. I am look different from others. I look pretty girl. My hair colour is light brown. Wow...........!!!

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