Friday, January 22, 2010

Colour my hair

How it began ? First, I trimming my hair. Then I wash my hair because my hair is too oily. After that, I wash my hair and blow my hair. The barber ask " Do you want to more colour out or less colour to be seen? I have choose my hair even more colour. The barber choose the colour for me.

Before my look,

It is my length hair.Before start colour my hair, I cut and trim my hair. it My actually colour is black.

Start to colour my hair, it take my step to dye my hair. I am anxious. First time, I dye my hair in my life. I can't wait to see it. First , colour my hair to bottom to the top place. I will show the my hair dye colour shown.

I wait around 30 minutes to wait colour turn out. Wow!!! Next time, I continue dye my colour hair. This is my look.

Next, the colour is turn out ........... Now , you see it........!!! It is time to wash my hair again. My hair is blow again because my hair is wet. I like the colour. Finally, I go start my strenghten my hair. My hair colour is done.

At last, I am so happy. I am look different from others. I look pretty girl. My hair colour is light brown. Wow...........!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

New yEAR 2010

I want to aim:

1. Do you wish have a good holiday?

Yes,course. I want a good holiday where by I can be happy. Any place..., I like to go interested the place.

2. What precious of things do you like?

Many memories are happiness ....... I will keep in my mind........ I can

3. What is your personality could be?

Your personality type: "Harmony-seeking Idealist"
Quietly forceful, original and sensitive. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perserverence in doing the right thing. Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following.

4. What kind of things?

Target NO.1

1) Dress up nicely

2) Make up

3) A lot of of angpaw

4) Happily with family


6) sEXY

7) sMILE

8) Precious time with ur cousin

9) sing many song

10) many cookies and food i like that most

5. What is favourite show?

All Korean show including Korean movie and also Chinese tvb only and English movie only.

6. Do You care your skin to make beautiful?

This year, I wil make my skin to more smooth......... I use more skin care product.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New year 2010

CLUMSY DAY........!!

I have good meal during lunch over........I have good gathering with friend on lunch during new yea. I have to go redraw money. I draw my money is RM 100 . I keep another RM 50 in the wallet. I didn't know...... I thought all is resit... so I throw it..... I am so careless.

During dinner hour, I go all friend celebrate new year. I choose few things there........ I must eat a lot. huh........!!! I keep thing of my money. I check out ......... EH.......... I forgot put the money in the wallet. Lucky, I have RM 50.


My puppy hand is hurt