Saturday, November 7, 2009



Aromatherapy Soft Mask Series is formulated with multi natural aromatic botanical essence - collagen, elastin, fibrin ect. kind of essence. It penetrates deeply into skin and provides it with necessary moisture and the nutrient. The skin is sterillized and nourished with less visible wrinkles, and a whiter healthy look. Extract will restore natural moisturizer and elasticity of skin.

How much? RM 9.90

Rose Flavour

Can refresh the mind, imporve attention and persistence, enchance the self-confidence, make users confident and happy, as well as promote the firmness of of connective tissue, fade wirnkles, whiten skin and remove spots, powerfully nourish skin ; help you resist depression and sadness; it is applicatiable to skin of any type.

Ingredients: Rose Extract, Sodiun Alginate, Corn strach


Use the appropriate amount of essence and mix sticky, apply on face evenly with right amount.

Before my look face:

First, I wet my face. I have mix all ingredient to put on my face.

My skin is look pink in colour mask. This type is Rose flavour mask for my face. Leave the mask for 15 - 20 minutes and strip on my face. I didn't strip from my face. I use the wet face towel to wash it off the pink mask.

At last, my skin is smooth and make me happy look. Sorry , skin is condition have pinple. I need find to recover on my face.

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